Coworking, A viable future in India

Coworking, A viable future in India

Coworking is one of the most trending concepts evolving and gaining the attention of young entrepreneurs and start-ups for stepping out of traditional office work practices and moving to flexibility. It has become an important factor in changing the working style of millennials as well as Generation z (born after 2000). Tendering to these changes, this segment has come up with an innovative concept of coworking with a global footprint. Coworking is also referred to as shared workspace or collaborative workspace or flexible workspace In simple words, Coworking is a place where people come together to share ideas, knowledge, and inspiration while working collaboratively on their individual projects .

Coworking is one of the most trending concepts evolving and gaining the attention of young entrepreneurs and start-ups for stepping out of traditional office work practices and moving to flexibility.

Coworking is one of the most trending concepts evolving and gaining the attention of young entrepreneurs and start-ups for stepping out of traditional office work practices and moving to flexibility.

It’s a place where people come together to share ideas, knowledge, and inspiration while working collaboratively on their individual projects to achieve common goals.

It has become an important factor in changing the working style of millennials as well as Generation z (born after 2000).

The rise of coworking has also been a key factor in changing the working style of millennials as well as Generation z (born after 2000).

Millennials are the first generation to grow up with the internet and mobile phones. They are more likely to work from home, self-employed or flexible working patterns. In fact, millennials are so used to working from home that many have begun employing virtual assistants who can take calls and emails while you’re out having fun!

A recent study by Intuit found that 50% of millennials prefer working remotely over traditional offices; another study by CareerBuilder found that 60% of those surveyed prefer flexible schedules or telecommuting over full-time jobs at their companies’ locations.

Tendering to these changes, this segment has come up with an innovative concept of coworking with a global footprint.

Coworking is a young concept in India and the most trending concept evolving and gaining the attention of young entrepreneurs and start-ups for stepping out of traditional office work practices and moving to flexibility.

It has been observed that this trend has been growing at a rapid pace, with an increasing number of coworking spaces opening up across different cities. The main reason behind this growth is because people are becoming more conscious about their health, as well as making use of technology which helps them stay connected with their loved ones remotely or over phone calls.

Coworking is also referred to as shared workspace or collaborative workspace or flexible workspace.

Coworking is an emerging trend in the Indian market. It is a place where people come together to share ideas, knowledge and inspiration while working collaboratively on their individual projects to achieve common goals.

Coworking spaces are not only for large organizations but also for small businesses as well.

The advantages of coworking include:

  • The flexibility of the workspace allows you to work on your own schedule with other colleagues;
  • You get access to technology at any time (and stay connected), which helps you stay productive while you’re away from the office;

In simple words, Coworking is a place where people come together to share ideas, knowledge, and inspiration while working collaboratively on their individual projects to achieve common goals.

Coworking is a place where people come together to share ideas, knowledge, and inspiration while working collaboratively on their individual projects to achieve common goals. Coworking spaces are generally open spaces that allow for collaboration and interaction between individuals who may not be in the same industry or department.

The first thing you should know about coworking is that it’s not just for freelancers—it’s also for full-time employees who want to work remotely. Coworking can help boost productivity because it allows you access to resources like conference rooms, computers, printers and copiers (if needed), as well as other company tools such as Wi-Fi or phone booths so you don’t have to rely on your own devices during work hours when they’re most likely not connected!

In India, there are many coworking spaces that have been launched in various cities such as Delhi NCR, Mumbai, Bangalore and Pune etc.

Coworking spaces are available in Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Pune. The basic membership plans offered by these coworking spaces include unlimited access to the space and all meeting rooms.

The different membership plans vary from one to another but they all have certain common features:

  • Flexible working hours (some allow you to work from 9 AM – 6 PM)
  • A great environment for working in
  • They offer different amenities like food facilities etc

Some of them offer membership plans where you can choose what suits your need best whether it is short term or long-term basis or full time etc.

  • Price is the key factor for people to choose coworking.
  • Membership plans are flexible and can be changed as per your needs.

Most coworking spaces offer different plans for different needs. For example, if you want a shared workspace but don’t have much time or money to invest in equipment, there are membership programs that will let you use the space for free for a certain amount of time (e.g., 30 days). If it turns out that this isn’t what works for you, then simply pay for more days or upgrade your membership plan by paying an additional fee on top of what was originally offered at no additional cost.

Coworking will continue to grow given its ability to provide cost effective solutions for start-ups and entrepreneurs

Coworking is a young concept in India. It has been around for less than 20 years and it is currently one of the most trending concepts evolving and gaining the attention of young entrepreneurs and start-ups for stepping out of traditional office work practices and moving to flexibility.

The idea behind coworking spaces is that they provide cost effective solutions for start-ups, entrepreneurs, freelancers etc., who otherwise might have had to shell out huge amounts on rent if they were looking’ for a place where they could work from home or elsewhere rather than an expensive office space.


Coworking is a concept that has been around for years but it is still a new concept in India. It has started to take off due to the demands of the millennial generation and Gen Z who want to work from home or from the office but still be able to collaborate with their peers. With growing technology and online solutions like Skype, Slack, Google Hangouts etc., everyone can work remotely and save on office rent expenses too. Coworking spaces provide a range of services like meeting rooms, conference rooms, kitchen facilities etc. which makes it very convenient for people who want flexibility with their workspace without having to go through all formalities involved in renting an office space at high prices.

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